Our Stories
People have always used storytelling as a way of preserving and documenting the human journey....here are some of our Real Life stories from First Responders

Graham Norris
Graham Norris was a Detective in the NSW Police Force for 17 years. He worked in Mount Druitt in Western Sydney and eventually found his niche in the Homicide Squad. He was involved in the investigation of a number of horrific murders but found solace in providing support to the victim's families. Graham struggled with a physical injury and was forced to leave the job he loved. This unfortunately led to mental health issues down the track.
Since attending the Beyond The Badge Career Transition Program Graham has found a new career that gives him the satisfaction he had being a policemen. He works for Lifeline Australia and has recently been promoted to a Team supervisor role.

Craig Ham
​ Craig was a very senior Detective in the NSW Police and prior to leaving with stress-induced issues, ran major task forces in the Central Coast area of NSW.
Being forced from such high profile operational command and responsibility to sitting at home, Craig became quite despondent which affected his family life and his very being.
After attending the program and specifically after the first day, Craig returned home and his wife described him as “a new man”. such was the impact of our program on him.
Craig was finally discharged and has chosen to retire and spend more time with his family.

Stephen Knight
Stephen was also a NSW Police Detective and worked his way into the much sought after Homicide Squad. He excelled at his work and was bringing up a young family. As a result of a particularly horrific murder that he worked on as an investigator, Stephen was unable to work and stayed at home whilst he underwent the NSW Police injury management process. After 7 long years Stephen was discharged from the NSW Police Force. He was lost and had become disillusioned due to his loss of identity.
After attending the Beyond The Badge Career Transition Program Stephen took some months to regain his confidence and is now in his third role as a Senior Investigator with a NSW Government Department.

Michelle Glasgow
Michelle was a Sergeant in the NSW Police Force and had a 13 year career. She resigned from the job due to the impact it was having on her wellbeing. After attending the Beyond The Badge Career Transition Program Michelle interviewed for and obtained a leadership position at a Womens Domestic Violence support service.
Within 6 months, Michelle accepted a promotion to manage the service and using her skills brought about significant operational and employee morale improvements